
Tuesday, October 01, 2013 0 Comments

So, as usual, I don't have a lot of time. I'll try to cover the important stuff.

I got a pedicure for the first time in probably a year on Monday. It was Sister Saxton's last day in French Valley, and a recent convert and his friend, who happens to be one of our investigators, took us and the elders out to lunch, then treated us sisters to pedicures. Yes, they are both boys, and yes, they got pedicures with us. I won't say names to protect their identity, because they'd probably hate me if I broadcasted that to the world. Just know, there are boys in the world that get pedicures.

We visited a lot of members before Sister Saxton left, and had a lot of fun. We went to Victor's house on Sunday night for a family home evening, of sorts, and it was so much fun! We played games and laughed and ate s'mores dip, which was delicious. Our first few days of the week were running around/packing/stressful, and then on Tuesday we went to transfer meeting and I came home with a new companion.

A tender moment, caught on camera.
Sister Grover, my new companion, is awesome! She's from Provo, Utah but she spent the last year living in Sweden as a nanny. Her mom is Italian and so Sis. Grover speaks Italian like a pro. My catch phrase with her is, "so, basically, we are the same person." Because we are. Our personalities are so alike! It's weird and great at the same time. We're going to talk to crazy hookah-smoking teens on the street (yes that happened), sit in random yellow chairs in front yards, and have a dandy time here in French Valley.

Sister Grover and I. We're adorable.
One of our investigators, Sandy, got sick and had to go to the hospital for a few days last week. Your prayers would be much appreciated! I think she's getting better now, but she's such a frail old lady, sometimes I worry. I just want to keep teaching her about the gospel!

I can't believe it's almost October. I've almost been a missionary for 4 whole months! I can't decide whether it feels like it's been more or less time. Time is so different when you're a missionary.

I love you I love you! All is well here. It's cooling down a little bit, meaning we're levelling out at around 85, currently, and I am already such a baby. When we go running in the mornings it's probably around 65 degrees and I am shivering if I'm not wearing three layers.

Shout out to my brother, who enters the MTC this Wednesday! It's just the beginning of a great adventure. :) Salt Lake doesn't know what they're getting, bro!

Oh yeah. And I love you all. :)

Sister B

 As always, a random picture for your viewing pleasure.

Sometimes Cam comes into our study room and says "take a picture of me, I'm dead."